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Here you find a detailed list of some of the most used products for crafts on my YouTube channel Sirozy. I get a lot of questions from my viewers about the products I am using for my crafts. For your ease & comfort, I have listed all of these ion this page. These are products which you can use to make any of the DIY’s I have made and for all other DIY projects & craft you MUST NEED! Many of these items are easily available in local shops near you and these items will help you create beautiful crafts.

Crepe Papers

Different types of papers:

Pastel balloons


Glue dots

Craft accesoires:

Balloon pump

Machines & tools:

Backdrop materials:

Equipments I use to film:

PS: Above are mentioned the items you need for the DIY.
If you don’t have any of these products at home or in your local stores,
then I have added a link to all the products used.
These are amazon Affiliate links. As an amazon affiliate if you make any purchase, then I will get a small commission over it which help support this blog & my YouTube channel, without you paying any extra & at no extra cost for you.

Hope this helps you find your exact item to complete your DIY craft. Subscribe to my YouTube channel for FREE to stay updated on the latest decoration ideas??

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